Title: Faith Hope Cross, mosaic
Title: Believe, mosaic
Title: Morning Espresso, fluid acrylics painting
Title: Deep Blue Sea, fluid acrylics painting
Title: Quiet Reflections, fluid acrylics painting
Title: 789 Street Blues, abstract acrylic painting
Title: Mermaid Tales, framed fluid acrylics
Title: Aqua Starfish, framed fluid acrylics
Title: Tide Pool 2, framed fluid acrylics
Title: Tide Pool 1, framed fluid acrylics
Title: Ocean Breeze, fluid acrylics painting
Title: Peace, fluid acrylics painting
Title: Love Has No Regrets, fluid acrylics painting
Title: Joy, fluid acrylics painting
Title: Emerging, fluid acrylics painting
Title: The Awakening Spirit, fluid acrylics painting
Title: Evolving, red, white and blue fluid acrylics painting
Title: Stormy Seas, framed fluid acrylics
Title: Blue Green Waves, framed fluid acrylics
Title: Two Seahorses, framed fluid acrylics